The Summit

10-June-07 (6am):A few minutes later the team was near the summit, lead by Rama, who was guided by Romeo through the easiest terrain that didn’t require holding on to the umbilical cord. Rama graciously waited for Nick, knowing well that he would throw her off...

KK-Flight to Malaysia

Getting comfortable was beginning to prove difficult. Seats on Malaysia airlines were designed for under 10 age group. That was further confirmed with the circus like apparel of the cabin crew team.While the KK-12 bonded over a personality survey that unveiled too...

Dubai Airport

We, the KK-12 were an instant hit! First with duty free, where Rana & Iva cleaned out the alcohol racks, me & Mahmoud the electronics, Nick pretended to buy books but in fact attacked the silly toys section and Dany, Souheil, Mounier and Nirmala wiped the food...