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Don’t miss your chance! Make your tax-deductible donation before time’s up.

Maximize your tax benefits from your charitable giving this year. Just visit and donate to our deserving scholars by December 31, then claim the extra dollars with your 2018 tax filings. An investment in education pays the best interest. edSeed offers many ways to support refugee scholars. Donate today >

Donate directly to our scholars.

You can read their stories of overcoming hardship to pursue their dreams. Choose to fund one or more scholars and help them attain their education. Learn about our scholars >

Donate to the Ammar Fund.

Ammar’s fund is a vehicle for fulfilling other young people’s pursuit of a human right: education. Our objective is to fund 6,000 refugees and students. Learn about the Ammar Fund >

Donate to the Barazi Fund.

The Barazi Fund supports Syrian students in achieving higher education so they can create a brighter future for Syria. Learn about the Barazi Fund >