The WAY 2 Gaza is PEACE. The people and children of Gaza are peaceful ..

We live it through our actions, we share Palestinian stories of peace, love, kindness, solidarity, humanity. Last week, I hiked in Kuwait with a group of Kuwaiti, Palestinian and British youth; they were training to climb Kilimanjaro. Their goal is to raise awareness for Mustaqbali, a youth development program in Gaza.

I was touched by stories I read about children in Mustaqbali (. I’ll be featuring their stories, lives and how they intersect with youth abroad. more about that later..

ImageThe WAY 2 Gaza

Throughout 2013, the Welfare Association Youth intend to build communication bridges between youth outside the Palestinian territories, and their brothers and sisters within. They will share stories of the children of the Mustaqbali Program (مستقبلي) and how the program had a positive impact on their lives.

“WAY2Gaza” is about peace, prosperity, love, humanity; a cultural, educational, victory.

what do you feel the WAY2Gaza is? complete the sentence..

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