Latham & Watkins host great business breakfasts.  Today, I was privileged to present at one they hosted with Financial Women Association, a NY based organization.  The panel included Shimi Shah, Lucy Chow and Heather Henyon, representing the colorful women-led business enterprise landscape. The panelists offered their insights on the professional environment, and how it helps or hinders female entrepreneurship.
I shared my thoughts in my area of interest: Arab women entrepreneurs working on Social Enterprise and Social Media Ventures.

women entrepreneurs in the arab world[slideshare id=11865799&w=425&h=355&sc=no]

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The highlight for me was having Muna AlHareb and Nojoud AlBasktaki in the audience.  The two founders of Buksha, a sustainable cultural & volunteer tourism venture that won the Business Acumen for Good competition last Saturday. A few years ago, I spoke about the need for women in the GCC to take on social challenges and address them through social business. I presented some ideas on culture conservation and touted Eco-tourism through Tawasul and presented my vision of how women can lead the way.  As I listened to Muna and Nojoud speak during the business plan competition, I was tickled with joy.  The two ladies are such amazing spokespersons for social enterprise in the UAE.  Beautiful, confident, educated, cultured, humble, with tremendous passion for their heritage and way of life, they have what it takes!

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