Waking up to the end of a pleasant dream; a dream of water, of taking flight, or conversation with a lost loved one..
morning coffee, in nature, or gazing at nature from behind a clean glass window..
a workout to sweat away the toxins of yesterday, clearing the mind for bright, brilliant thoughts of today..
time with pen and paper to capture uncluttered & doubt free thoughts of the morning..
a meeting or two with people who inspire ideas, compel action, evoke emotion, or offer perspective..
more writing.. and a bit of reading..
a mealtime conversation with loved ones.. listening, laughing, connecting..
an encounter with friends in nature.. a walk in the park, a dive on a reef or a hike up a mountain..
meditation at sunset, establishing a reconnection to the world beyond the physical boundaries of the house, the paved roads and the towers of the city..
an act of kindness, to confirm the connection between one and the rest humanity..
falling asleep with gratitude, under a star-studded velvet sky